Keyless Access

CS Locksmiths supplies and installs all types of keyless entry systems.

Mechanical Keyless Locks

All pushbutton locks use a code instead of a key to unlock the door. Mechanical pushbutton locks only allow one code at a time but don't require batteries or to be hard wired.

Electronic Keyless Locks

These keyless locks offer the ability to have dozens or hundreds of individual user codes. Each user can be aded or deleted without affecting others.

Lockwood 530 digital lock

Digital mechanism,stainless steel digital buttons, brass deadlatch bolt with 13mm projection,

Lockwood Nexion keyless lock

The Nexion keyless entry lock is battery operated, and emits an audible and visual confermation of activation by the Q-Key remote control. The Q-Key has a range of up to three meters and uses the latest in encrypted rolling code techonlogy for the highest security possible. Technology that can be found in most automotive remotes. each keyless lockset is supplied with two remote controls.

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